Tag Archives: трансформатор сухого типа

Transformers for power distribution: Essential components for reliable power distribution

Power distribution transformers from EverNew Transformer provide reliable and safe power distribution for a variety of facilities.

Introduction The reliable and efficient distribution of electricity is the basis for the functioning of modern society. Whether it is for private homes, business centers or industrial production, a stable and safe supply of electricity is an essential task. One of the key elements that ensure the stability of the power supply are distribution equipment transformers. These devices play an important role in lowering high voltages from power lines [...].

Power transformer: Principle of operation, classification and selection recommendations

Evernew Transformer oil-filled power transformer design

What is a power transformer? A power transformer is an electromechanical device that has a wide range of applications, including household, electrical power, radio electronics and radio engineering. Its main function is to transfer electricity between different circuits by magnetic induction, changing the voltage level as required. Power transformers meet various power transmission requirements by converting alternating current of one voltage into alternating [...].